The Society of Higher Education Human Resource Executives (the Society) shall consist of one organization representing the entire body of membership including any lesser units or bodies as authorized by the Board of Directors.
Article II
The Society provides a venue for senior human resources executives to exchange ideas and management techniques, provides the opportunity to develop and/or participate in research and applied research projects, and the opportunity to assist one or another with advice and consultation on a variety of human resources management issues.
Membership in the Society is by invitation only. Members must be employed by or retired from a higher education institution or employed by or retired from an organization or association that is affiliated with higher education human resources.
The Board of Directors shall adopt the necessary procedures, processes and criteria to clarify and implement each membership category and has the authority to approve exceptions to membership categories.
The Board of Directors establishes original membership fees. Any fee increase over 10 per cent must be approved by a majority vote of the membership present at an annual meeting.
Society Member
A practicing human resources executive may be invited to become a Society Member based on the individual’s expertise in the human resources field, his/her human resources organization performance, and the potential for participation in the Society programs. Only the chief human resources executive on the campus or the system office with multi-faceted human resources functions and budget responsibilities are eligible for membership.
A Society Member who changes his/her position or assignment and is no longer directly involved in the day to day human resources function on a campus or system office may apply for continuing Society Member status. The member may have the chief human resources office of the institution reporting directly to him/her or may be staff to the chief executive of the institution and wish to remain active in the benefits the Society membership provides.
This category of membership is eligible to vote and may hold elective office.
Honorary Life Member
Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, a Society Member who has provided distinguished service to the Society including leadership positions, presentations, and committee activities and upon retirement from active human resources management, may be elected by a majority vote of the membership at the annual meeting to honorary life membership. Registration fees and/or other membership fees shall be waived.
This category of membership is eligible to vote but may not hold elective office.
Retired Member
Retired Member: A Society Member who retires from active human resources management.
This category of membership is eligible to vote but may not hold elective office. However, a Retired Member who is an officer at the time of her or his retirement may complete his or her term of office. Because the Immediate Past President is not an elective office, if the President retires during his or her presidency or at the conclusion of her or his presidency will complete the following year as the Immediate Past President.
Corporate Member
Corporate Members are invited by the Board of Directors to participate in the Society programs. They are required to provide monetary support and program speakers as determined by the Board of Directors.
A Corporate Member may participate in the Society activities but is not eligible to vote and may not hold elective office.
Association or Organization Member
Membership in the Society may be made available by invitation to not more than two senior members of an organization or association that is affiliated with higher education human resources. Such organizations or associations typically have not for profit status and would not include entities where human resources management and leadership is not the central mission of the entity. An Association or Organization member may participate in the Society activities but is not eligible to vote and may not hold elective office.
Grandfather Provision
Members who are active in the Society at the time of adoption of these bylaws shall be grandfathered into the Society in the membership category that best defines their current status. The original assignment shall be determined by the President of the Society. Members who question their assignment may ask that their status be reviewed by the Board of Directors who will make the final determination as to membership category.
Termination of Membership
A Member who does not participate in the annual meeting for three consecutive years shall be automatically terminated from membership in the Society. The terminated Member may apply to the Nominating Committee for re-instatement to the Society.
Article IV
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall govern the business and affairs of the Society. The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and two at-large Directors. The immediate past president of SHEHRE shall serve as a member of the Board in an ex-officio capacity.
The Board shall have the responsibility for running the affairs and business of the Society in accordance with these bylaws, appropriate laws, statutes, regulations and good business practices. Board members shall be active members of the Society in good standing.
The Board shall have the authority to:
· establish any and all fees, except membership fee increases exceeding 10%, it deems necessary to maintain the Society;
· approve standing committee appointments;
· approve ad hoc committee assignments and appointments;
· review and approve the annual budget;
· approve the annual meeting program;
· approve recommended candidates for original membership;
· approve recommendations for Member changes to membership category;
· introduce bylaw changes;
· approve removal of Board member status or membership from the Society for appropriate reasons;
· call special meetings of the Board if a majority of the Board so votes.
The prospective Board members shall be nominated and elected by a majority of Members at the Society’s annual meeting.
Should a Board vacancy occur, the Board shall have the authority to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the position’s term. Should a Board member move from a membership category eligible to hold office into a membership category not eligible to hold office, the Board member shall serve the balance of the term.
Transferring SHEHRE’s Fiduciary Banking Responsibility:
Two of members of the Board of Directors (generally the President and Treasurer) are authorized to have access to the Society bank accounts.
Upon the ascension of the president-elect to president or the election of a new treasurer, each individual is to be authorized to have access to the Society bank accounts. At the same time, the prior authorized member shall have their access authorization as well as contact information removed.
The Society has designated two senior members to serve as key representatives to the Society bank accounts. Either of the two designated key representatives to the Society bank accounts shall make or assist/coordinate in making these banking access authorization changes for the president and treasurer.
Notice from the Society president or president-elect should be provided no later than July 1 of the year in which the member takes office to the key representatives so that the appropriate banking access authorization may be made.
The Board of Directors shall review the key representatives on an annual basis and make changes as warranted.
Article V
The Officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past-President. The Officers of the Society shall take office immediately upon their election and shall serve the following terms.
Vice President: will serve one year in the role of vice president; there will be automatic progression to the president’s role.
President: the individual in the president’s role will serve one year as president.
Immediate Past President: the individual in the president’s role will automatically progress into the immediate past president’s role for one year.
Secretary/Treasurer: two-year appointment.
The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Board and membership. The President shall have the following responsibilities:
· recommend to the Board committee chairs and committee members:
· establish and assign ad hoc committee responsibilities;
· prepare and approve the annual business meeting agenda;
· carry out other duties and responsibilities necessary to conduct the Society’s business.
Vice President
The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall Chair the Program Committee and recommend to the Board the annual meeting program. The Vice President shall prepare and/or approve the distribution of the annual meeting program.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall have the following responsibilities:
· prepare the minutes of all meetings of the membership and Board;
· carry out the correspondence of the Society and its Board;
· ensure the maintenance of the files and records of the Society;
· maintenance of all funds and securities;
· keep and maintain adequate books of account and records;
· make periodic financial reports to the Board or membership;
· perform all duties incident to the position subject to the control of the Board.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall Chair the Finance Committee.
Immediate Past-President
The Immediate Past-President shall serve at the pleasure of the President in fulfilling the obligations and operations of the Society.
Article VI
At-large Directors
The at-large Directors shall take office immediately upon their election and shall serve a three year term. Each year, one of the two incumbents shall serve as the coordinator of membership management. This individual’s role will be to assure the roster of actual members, invited members, honorary life members, retired members and all other forms of membership are accurate and up-to-date.
Article VII
Any Member may serve on a Committee but only a Society Member may Chair.
Finance Committee
There shall be a Finance Committee, chaired by the Secretary/Treasurer, of at least three persons appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Secretary/Treasurer and approved by the Board.
The Finance Committee shall:
· recommend a budget for the operation of the Society to the Board;
· recommend a policy for investment of Society funds;
· keep the Board informed of the financial status of the Society; and
· other financial duties that might be assigned.
Nominating committee
There shall be a Nominating Committee, chaired by an At-large Director, of at least three persons appointed by the President and approved by the Board.
The Nominating Committee shall provide candidate names for vacant Board of Directors’ and Officers’ positions and present them to the membership no later than 14 days prior to the annual meeting. No name may be forwarded without the person being nominated being advised of the submission.
The Nominating Committee annually shall seek from the Society membership recommendations for new members, review all persons recommended, and make a recommendation to the Board regarding acceptance into Society membership. The Nominating Committee shall also provide its recommendation to the Board on applications for Honorary Life and Retired Member status.
Program committee
There shall be a Program Committee, chaired by the Vice President, of at least three persons appointed by the President and approved by the Board. The Program Committee shall establish appropriate procedures for the solicitation of presenters and the preparation of the program schedule.
The Program Committee shall recommend to the Board the topics, speakers and schedule for the annual meeting.
Article VIII
The Society
The Society shall meet annually at a time and place designated by the Board. Members shall receive at least 60 days’ notice of such dates and places of the annual meeting as determined.
Board of Directors
The Board shall meet at the annual meeting of the Society and shall hold at least two other meetings during the year. Except for the annual meeting of the Society, the other two meetings may be held electronically. The President or a majority of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board. Virtual or electronic participation is permissible.
At least three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting.
Article IX
Rules of order
Meetings of the Board of Directors and the Society shall be governed by the rules of order contained in Robert’s manual, as amended, when not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Article X
Amendment of bylaws
Upon recommendation by the Board of Directors, the bylaws of the Society may be adopted or amended, altered or repealed by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the eligible Society members in attendance at any regular, special or annual meeting, subject to written notice to all members of the Society at least ten days prior to said meeting setting forth the changes to be considered.
Article XI
Tax Exempt Status and Dissolution
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Society shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the Society, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
1. April 2, 2014
2. April 1, 2015
3. March 26, 2018
4. March 26, 2019
5. February 23, 2024
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